Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reclining Cobbler Pose For the Lung Meridian

Just looking at this pose makes you want to take a deep breath doesn't it!!! The lung meridian runs across the inner shoulders and down along each inner arm to the thumb and internally it runs down to the large intestines. See how this pose opens up all those places? As an added bonus it expands the lungs encouraging deep slow breathing.

You don't need to be down the beach to do this pose but why not try it next time you're down there basking under your beach umbrella.

This is how:
  • Place a long bolster** on the mat so that you can lie the length of your spine and head on it. Sit at the end of the bolster in cobbler position - the soles of your feet together and the knees apart. (if this is too challenging try cross-legged or just knees bent feet flat on ground)
  • Gently lower your body onto the bolster and bring your arms out to the sides.
  • Relax and breathe gently

** Most people don't have their own bolsters so you can substitute in any of the following ways

  • a long pillow or a couple of them
  • some rolled up beach towels or blankets that reach up under your head
  • if you're down the beach - easy - create your own bolster out of sand and cover with your towel.

More on the Reclining Cobbler Pose