Saturday, November 8, 2008

Massage for the Lung and Large Intestine Meridian

Organ Meridian Pairs
There are twelve organ meridians in the body which are in six pairs. The functions of each pair are strongly related to each other. Disease in one of the pairs often affects the other and it is beneficial to treat a problem in one by treating it's partner. The lung meridian is paired with the large intestine meridian therefore we can massage both for the best effect.

Benefits of Meridian Massage
Massage increases the tissues' permeability for Chi and can thus balance deficiencies and excesses along the individual meridians

Time Factor
Anytime is good for meridian massage but for best effects you can treat the meridians during their peak times or their low times. Each meridian has 2 hours of peak activity and 12 hours later a 2 hour period of low activity therefore according to therapists in this field the best time to strengthen the Chi of any channel is just after it peaks, when it has the greatest energy. The best time to disperse Chi is prior to the peak period. In other words, before it accumulates an abundance of energy. The lung meridian is most active between 3 - 5 am and least active between 3 - 5 pm. According to this theory the best time to increase the energy of the lung meridian is to get up around 5 am and do some deep breathing and massage!!!! Sounds good to me.

Massage Technique
With your right hand make a loose fist and bring your left arm out in front of you with the palm turned up. Firmly tap down the lung meridian which runs from under the collar bone down to the thumb and then move over to the large intestine meridian which starts at the first finger, rotate the palm downwards and tap up the back of the hand and arm in line with this finger, up to the shoulder and then rotate the arm and begin again.