Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Safe Spinal Twist

Twists are very beneficial for a healthy spine, they create strength, freedom of movement and drainage of toxins. They should, however, be approached with great caution by people who suffer from disc problems. The following twist should only be performed with a straight back. If you twist with a hunched spine much more potentially damaging pressure is put into the spine. The test of whether your back is straight is feeling if you have openness and length through the front of your body.

Standing forward bend twist

  • Stand with the feet a little over hip distance apart and come into a forward bend with your back parallel to the floor and your hands on the floor.
    (You may need to bend your knees a little and you may need to rest your hands on a block)

  • Inhale and lengthen the back of your neck and your spine.

  • Exhale, bring your right hand to your right hip and twist from your abdomen to the right. (Keep your hips level as the tendency here is to lift your right hip.)

  • For a deeper version raise your right arm to the ceiling and look up.

  • Stay for 5 or more breaths and then repeat to the other side.