Recently a lady with chronic back pain was telling me how in spite of all the good things she does for her back, the pain keeps coming back. Even though she puts a lot of time and energy into strengthening and stretching it, strengthening the abdominals and other supporting muscles, plus she does her back bends and forward bends with utmost care still the pain keeps returning. She told me that she has finally discovered the secret to her problem – stress. Whenever she’s undergoing something stressful in her life the pain comes back.
This brings another dimension to support for back pain - relaxation and meditation. No matter how much attention we lavish on our backs it is only treating the symptoms and not the cause if we keep taking our problems and holding them in our back. Therefore if you find any chronic problem, whether it is in your back or any part of your body, it could very easily be because you are holding your stress there. The very best way to get rid of stress is deep meditation and relaxation. Both of which are taught at our Deep Peace Classes at the Gold Coast Australian School of Meditation.