The Stomach Meridian runs pretty much centrally down the front of the body and legs so the Dancer Pose is an ideal way of stretching the Stomach Meridian. When we stretch a meridian we are helping clear the energy pathway which can become blocked or inhibited by tension along the front of the body. In a normal everyday yoga class at the
Australian School of Meditation and Yoga all the meridians get a good stretch, however focusing the mind on a particular aspect of the pose and gently breathing down into the abdomen can help to activate the healing energy and send it to the area we are focusing on. Therefore in the Dancer Pose try focusing on the length that you are creating through the front of the torso, neck and legs.

The Dancer Pose
1. From the Mountain Pose shift your weight onto the left foot and lift up strongly through that leg and hip, bend your right knee and take hold of your right foot.
2. When you have your balance raise your left arm and lengthen into your fingertips.
3. Keep your hips level with each other as you continue lengthening through the front of your body, arm and leg and slowly lean forward while lifting the back leg higherand gently arching the back.
4. Stay for 5 or more breaths and repeat on the other side.