As you can see the Pericardium Meridian runs from the side of the ribs across the inner shoulder and centrally down the inner arm to the middle finger.

The function of the pericardium channel is considered important to the functioning of the heart. It's function is to dissipate excess chi in the heart and send it out through the palms. It is especially active in times of feverishness.
Pericardium Meridian Stretch with Shoulder Opening Exercise
Stretching the meridian will help with the smooth flow of energy through this channel.
1. Take a belt or scarf and hold it stretched between your hands in front of your body.
2. Inhale and raise your arms above your head, exhale and lower the belt behind your shoulders. Bring it to a point where you are feeling maximum stretch along the centre of the inner arm.
3. Raise and lower the belt with your inward and outward breath a few times and then hold it in position for 5 or more breaths. You can bring your hands closer together along the belt if you feel you need more stretch.