Sometimes at my classes at the
Australian School of Meditation and Yoga we hold an acupressure point while we are holding a pose. Incorporating acupressure points into a yoga workout adds to the
beneficial effects of the asanas and also adds interest to the class.
Gall Bladder 20 is great for all issues of the head, such as occipital headaches, vertigo, dizziness and poor memory. It is also used for neurological disorders which can manifest as twitching and numbness.. It is effective in dispelling fever and chills and helpful for pain, weakness and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and upper back.
Finding Gall Bladder 20: this point is located at the junction of the skull and the neck to each side of the vertebral column. To find it turn your head to one side and locate the thick muscle that runs down the neck just behind the ear, the point is located in the depression behind this muscle.
Stimulating GB20 in a yoga pose: Stand in Mountain Pose and place your index fingers on each GB20. Bend your knees a little, engage your abdominal muscles and slowly roll down into a Standing Forward Fold, hold for 5 - 10 breaths and then release the hands and roll back up.