The Gall Bladder meridian regulates our ability to make decisions and to execute them. If the Gall Bladder Meridian is too full one easily can become angry or irritable. Indecision and muscular weakness would indicate a deficiency in this meridian. It also controls the flexibility and strength of the tendons and ligaments. Migraine headaches that feel like a tight vice compressing the skull are a traditional Gall Bladder symptom.
The Extended Triangle stretches both of these meridians which helps to release tightness around the pathways and allow the chi to flow better.
Stand with your legs wide apart and turn your right foot out ninety degrees and if you like you can angle your left foot in forty-five degrees.
Inhale and reach your arms out to each side extending the energy from between your shoulder blades out into your finger tips.
Exhale and tilt your torso out to the right keeping the spine lengthening out of the hips.
As you inhale rotate your abdomen and chest upwards extending your arm upwards in line with the lower arm which is reaching down onto your right leg or ankle.
On the next exhalation extend your top arm over your ear parallel to the floor.
Stay here for 5 - 10 breaths feeling the extension along the inside of the right leg (liver meridian) and outside of the left leg (gall bladder meridian) and along the left side of the trunk (liver and gall bladder meridians).
There is very nice advice from Sam Dworkis in his book 'ExTension Yoga', to 'feel the difference between tension and extension!' Make sure you are extending not tensing and feel the difference. Extension will free up the meridians whereas tension will inhibit the movement of chi in them