Standing Roll Down Pose
- From Mountain Pose reach your arms out to the side and lift your chest as you bring your arms to a wide v shape and inhale.
- As you exhale draw your chin into your chest and keeping your tail bone lengthening downwards start rolling your body forward, first your shoulders, then the upper, middle and lower back and finally the sitting bones tilt upwards. Feel each vertebra opening and stretching as you do. (It is important to keep your knees bent and abdomen engaged towards your spine. Some people with lower back pain do better not to roll down but to come down with a straight back to half way.)
- When you have reached as far as you can comfortably go, relax and take a deep breath in and out and then roll back up again keeping your tail bone lengthening downwards, knees bent and abdomen engaged towards the spine.
- Repeat 4 or 5 times.