Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Strengthen the Abdominals

This exercise strengthens the abdominals which are so important in lower back health. Most people think of the work of the abdominals as either drawing the lower extremities up to the chest (as in supine leg lifts) or as drawing the shoulders towards the hips (as in sit ups). These actions are bought about by the longitudinal abdominal muscle which runs from the lower pelvis up to the rib cage. However there are other deeper lying muscles which are more involved with supporting the actions of the lower back. The deepest layer of muscle is called transverse abdominus, (we can feel this muscle working when we sneeze or cough) and one of the best ways to strengthen it is through mula bandha or pelvic floor exercises.

Supine Pelvic Floor Exercise

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet and knees hip distance apart.

  • Notice your breath. Breathe deep down into your abdomen letting the abdominal muscles relax as you inhale and squeezing them strongly as you exhale. Feel the gentle tilting of your pelvis as you breathe. You will notice that as you breathe in your lower spine lifts away from the floor slightly (fig 1) and as you breathe out your lower spine flattens into the floor. (fig. 2)

  • Now we will emphasize this natural tilting of the pelvis. As you exhale draw up the muscles of your pelvic floor and hold strongly. Slowly release them and inhale fully. (The pelvic floor muscles can be activated by using the same muscles that you would use to stop the flow of urine)

  • Continue this exercise for 5 – 10 breaths.

    This exercise is not only good for the lower back but is recommended as a cure or preventative for many other conditions such as incontinence, prolapsed uterus and digestive problems. Find more poses at the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga website