What is the Triple Warmer Meridian?
The pathway of this meridian starts at the ring finger and travels up the arm, around the shoulder, up the side of the neck, around the ear and up to the temples. The Triple Warmer governs three different segments of the body - the upper part governs respiration, the middle part governs digestion and the lower part governs elimination. The Triple Warmer Meridian therefore functions to harmonise these three bodily processes.
Stretch for this Meridian
Garuda Arms
Come into a sitting position and bend your knees. Slide your right foot under your left leg and slide your left foot to the side of your right hip.
Cross your right arm under your left arm and join your palms.
Lower your left ear to your left shoulder.
The stretch is felt along the side of your neck and upper arm and shoulder which is the location of part of the triple burner meridian.
Stay here for 5 or more breaths and repeat on the other side.
This is a hybrid pose combining the Garuda Pose with the Cowface Pose. Usually the head is held upright in the Garuda Pose therefore when we add the Triple Burner stretch to the neck we sit down for safety reason.