From the base of the little finger this meridian runs along the back of the arm to the shoulder where it zig zags through the back of the shoulders and up each side of the neck to the front of the ear.
Small Intestine Meridian Associations
The small intestine meridian helps the small intestine to assimilate nutrients from food. Mentally this meridian is said to assist with the assimilation of ideas. Blockages in this meridian most commonly result in stiff necks and elbow and shoulder pain.
Standing Forward Bend
The following exercise is said to balance the Small Intestine Meridian. It stretches along the path of the meridian plus it squeezes around the shoulder blades to release any tension there. It is said to be beneficial for building up resistance to colds and flu.
*Come into a standing position and clasp your hands behind your back.
*Inhale and as you exhale bend forward from the hips.
*Soften your knees so there is no strain in your back and if you have no lower back problems or high blood pressure or heart issues you can keep as much length through the front of your body and fold down over your legs letting your arms reach up and over your head.
*Feel the stretch along the back of your arms and the squeezing of the shoulder blades.
*Stay for 30 seconds or more and then slowly return to upright position and shake out your arms.