I just had to include this picture of my friend Rani having her throat brushed. She does such a wonderful cow pose just like you'll find at our classes at the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga. This beautiful little calf was abandoned by her mother and seemed to be only 1 day old when she was found. She was adopted by a friend of mine and bottle fed. Now five months later she is weaned and eating grass but such a big sook she needs to suck my friends fingers every time she wants to drink water! So she moos and moos until she gets attention and then my friend has to go and put her hand in a trough of water and into the Rani's mouth so she can drink her water. Rani drinks like a water buffalo with her lower jaw in the water. Luckily she seems also to be a bit like a camel and only wanting one big drink a day.
This lovely little calf is so friendly, she loves attention, especially having her throat brushed. Unfortunately she has a penchant for flowers and vegetables so has to be tied up until some fences can be made.